Life Coaches in Chicago
Looking for a life coach in Chicago? Hoping to find someone to help you move into new directions? Need a life coach who specializes in change work in Lakeview, Lincoln Park, downtown or the loop?
If the answer is yes, you’ve come to the right place. That’s because we’ve done our research based on feedback and identified the 5 best life coaches in the Chicago area.
Let’s face it, there are a lot of people offering guidance in the coaching market, but few possess the necessary backgrounds or trainings to help you get to the next level.
If you are in need of a life coach in the Gold Coast, Uptown, Wrigleyville, Boystown or the city’s North Side, we feel the experts listed below will help meet your needs.
All of the professionals below have strong experience with helping people understand their personality type and then going about the business of creating positive change for the future.
Some use a mix of neurolinguistic programming, coupled with cognitive behavior approaches, as part of the dynamic. If appropriate, some even use hypnotherapy.
Best Life Coaches List
Each of the individuals listed below are experienced change work professionals. Which one best fits your needs?
1. Dr. John Moore
655 W. Irving Park Rd #5603, Chicago, IL 60613
Tel: 773.704.5300
Located in the Buena Park neighborhood of Chicago, nestled between East Lakeview and Uptown, one block from Marine Drive at the corner of Irving Park Road and Pine Grove Avenue are the offices of Certified Coach and Board-Certified Hypnotherapist, Dr. John Moore.
John is also a licensed mental health counselor with a strong corporate background who has worked at many Fortune 500 companies, including IBM and American Airlines.
Specialties include:
- Career success
- Stress management
- Fears and phobias
- Habit control
- Job positioning
- Changing negative feelings
- Relationship strategies
- Test/exam success
- Better self-esteem
- Flying fears
- Self-calming and autogenic training
2. Peter Bruce
2835 N. Sheffield Ave, Chicago, IL 60657
Tel: 773-830-4199
Visit Peter’s Page
Located in the East Lakeview area of the city, several blocks away from Wrigley Field at the intersection of North Lincoln Avenue and West Roscoe Street are the offices of Dr. AJ Sturges.
AJ is also a licensed counselor and board certified in hypnotherapy. He has a strong coaching background with a specialty in helping college students and athletes.
Areas of expertise include:
- Athletic success
- Learning skills
- Greater self-confidence
- Reinventing yourself
- Motivation for change
- Coping strategies for job stress and anxiety
- Managing a competitive personality
- Stress management coping skills
- Habit control
- Sleep management issues
3. Alexandra DeWoskin
4003 N. Broadway Street, Chicago, IL 60613
Tel: 773.280.7446
With easy access to parking in the Lakeview area of Chicago, close to the intersections of Irving Park Road and Clarendon Avenue, close to the Thorek Hospital, are the offices of licensed therapist Alexandra DeWoskin.
Using neurolinguistic programming, cognitive behavioral strategies and hypnosis, Alexandra (Alex) helps clients create the change and reach life goals.
Areas of guidance include:
- Greater confidence
- Career success
- Mindfulness and wellbeing
- Career transitions
- Fears and phobias
- Problems with sleep
- Self-care and wellness strategies
- Flying fears and phobias
- Changing negative feelings and emotions
- Stronger memory
- Increasing self-esteem
4. Greg Harms, PsyD
655 W. Irving Park Rd, #203B, Chicago, IL 60613
Tel: 773.983.1479
Situated just off Lakeshore Drive at the Irving Park exit and one block from historic Marine Drive, near Dunkin Donuts on Broadway and Sheridan are the offices of Dr. Greg Harms.
Greg is a licensed psychologist and certified hypnotherapist. He’s also a certified coach. Using a variety of techniques, including motivational approaches and cognitive strategies, Greg helps people move towards important life goals.
Areas of expertise include:
- Career coaching
- Phobias and fears
- Stress management and anxiety management
- Challenges with self-esteem
- Emotional regulation
- Self-confidence
- Changing negative feelings
- Family dynamics and change
- Fear, stress and worry
- Afraid to fly worries
- Shy bladder syndrome
- Stop smoking hypnotherapy
5. Costa Provis, LCPC, CPC, CHT
3513 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60657
Tel: 847.529.8607
Positioned in a quiet area of East Lakeview, between the intersections of North Lincoln Avenue and West Cornelia Streets, not far from the Paulina Market and Zen Buddhist Temple, are the offices of Costa Provis.
Costa is a licensed mental health counselor, certified hypnotherapist and certified coach. Using CBT strategies mixed with coaching approaches, he helps guide clients to a place of change.
Areas of help include:
- Confidence issues
- Anxiety problems
- Relationship strategies
- Couples challenges
- Fears, worries and doubts
- Career success strategies
- Stress management techniques
- Mindfulness and greater happiness
- Switching negative feelings
- Calmer living and inner peace
- Habit control
- New dad worries
Life Coaching Costs
The fee for life coaching will depend on the professional you are working with, the specific issues being addressed and the number of sessions needed. Most life coaches set their own fees services. Be sure to talk to your life coach and ask about pricing.
We hope this life coaching page was helpful to you.