Addictions Counseling Chicago
Looking for addictions counseling in Chicago? Are you concerned that you may be abusing substances? Do you sometimes wonder if you have an addiction to alcohol or drugs? Are there certain behaviors that you engage in which make you question if you are addicted to sex? If so, you are not alone.
Many people in Chicago and around the world struggle with these kinds of questions. What follows is a brief walk-through of two specific kinds of addiction that you may or may not be aware of.
What is addiction?
Simply put, whenever a person is unable to stop using a substance or engaging in a given behavior, even if they desperately want to – they have an addiction. This urge to use a substance, such as alcohol or a drug, is so strong that it overrides the individual’s ability to stop. This happens despite knowing there may be negative consequences.
As a Chicago-based therapists, we often find myself discussing the complex and nuanced concept of addiction with my clients. Addiction is not merely a physical dependence on a substance; it is a multifaceted issue that encompasses a range of behaviors and psychological patterns.
At its core, addiction can be understood as a compulsive, often harmful engagement with a substance or activity, despite adverse consequences.
One of the key aspects of addiction is the way it affects the brain’s reward system. Substance abuse, for example, often leads to an exaggerated release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, creating a powerful and reinforcing sensation of pleasure.
Over time, the brain adapts to this artificial stimulation, leading to tolerance and, eventually, dependence. This neurobiological aspect of addiction is just one layer; the psychological and social dimensions are equally crucial to understanding the phenomenon.
What happens in addictions therapy?
In our Chicago therapy sessions, we emphasize that addiction is not a moral failing but rather a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Trauma, stress, and underlying mental health issues can contribute significantly to the development and perpetuation of addictive behaviors. Addressing addiction, therefore, requires a holistic approach that considers not only the substance or behavior itself but also the broader context of an individual’s life.
Recovery from addiction involves more than just abstaining from the substance or behavior; it necessitates a comprehensive transformation in the individual’s lifestyle, thought patterns, and coping mechanisms. In the vibrant city of Chicago, where diverse cultures and lifestyles intersect, the challenges of addiction manifest in various ways.
As counselors, our role is to guide individuals through the process of self-discovery, helping them unravel the layers of their addiction and develop sustainable strategies for recovery.
Are there different kinds of addiction?
There are two primary types of addiction. One is commonly referred to as a “substance abuse” addiction and the other a “behavioral addiction”. Let’s take a quick look at an example of both so that you have a better understanding of what these terms mean.
Substance abuse addiction
In the case of a substance abuse addiction, an individual may have a chemical dependency on a particular substance (or substances) that have created a series of negative consequences in their lives.
Common substance abuse addictions include:
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Cocaine
- Crystal Meth
- Benzodiazepines (downers)
- Amphetamines (uppers)
- Caffeine
- Opiates
- Steroids
Behavioral Addictions
The addiction itself often begins with someone experiencing pleasure connected to an activity and then seeking out more and more of the activity/behavior over the course of time.
As the addiction escalates, the risks increase. Eventually, the activities connected to the addiction become a major part of the person’s daily life. Like a substance abuse addiction, a behavioral addiction continues despite knowledge of negative consequences.
Common behavioral addictions include but are not limited to:
- Sex addiction
- Gambling
- Relationships
- Food
- Cyber/Internet
- Shopping/Spending
- Cosmetic procedures
- Video games
- Risky behaviors (adrenalin junkies)
What causes addictions?
There are a number of different theories about what causes an addiction but the exact reasons remain unknown. We know from scientific research that certain types of addictions involving substances like alcohol tend to run in families. If you are first responder in Chicago, you may be more vulnerable to addiction. See our page on therapist for first responders in Chicago to learn more.
Many behavioral scientists and addictions specialists believe in the bio-psychosocial model of addiction. Essentially, this model suggests that addictions are caused by a number of factors, including biological and psychological reasons.
“My addictions therapist helped me get sober and stay that way”
-Shelly in Lakeview, Chicago
Can a person have more than one addiction?
Yes – in fact, this is often the case. For example, a person can be addicted to alcohol (substance) and also be addicted to sex (behavioral). On the flip-side, a person can also be addicted to several substances and/or behaviors at the same time (alcohol + cocaine).
How are addictions treated?
There is no “cookie cutter” approach to treating an addiction. Each addiction is as unique as the individual. Generally speaking, there are various approaches that are used to help a person work through an addiction and remain “sober”.
Here are some of the more common approaches:
- Individual addictions counseling/therapy
- Group addictions counseling/therapy
- In-patient treatment services
- Intense outpatient treatment services
- Ongoing participation in support groups (12-step programs)
- Medications (depending on addiction)
What should I do if I think I have an addiction?
One of the best things you can do if you think you may have an addiction to substances or specific behaviors is to talk to a specialist. Many of the Chicago therapists at 2nd Story Counseling are experienced with helping in the treatment of substance abuse and/or behavior addictions.
A counselor can assist you with gaining new insight into what may be going on in your life in a non-judgmental and supportive way. This in fact is how the change process begins.
We offer a relaxed, safe and warm atmosphere where you can talk about your concerns without feeling shamed. One of the guiding principles of 2SC is to help clients focus on what is going right in their life, while using a strength based approach to wellness. Mindfulness is part of recovery process.
To learn more about our alcohol, drug and sex addiction counseling services, give us a call at 773-528-1777 or send us a confidential note using our online contact form.
If you would like addictions counseling in Chicago, our therapists would like to help