Stop Smoking Hypnosis – Hypnotherapy in Chicago
Are you looking for a hypnotherapist to stop smoking in Chicago, Skokie, Evanston, or the suburbs? Hoping to find someone to help you kick the habit? Have you heard good things about hypnosis and wondering if it works?
If so, you wouldn’t be alone. As a licensed psychologist and certified clinical hypnotherapist, people ask me about hypnosis all the time. Their motivation is always the same. They want to find a pathway to lasting change.
If you are like most folks, there’s a good chance you’ve tried to quit in the past through various means. Examples include gums, patches or maybe even pills. But for whatever reason, these approaches didn’t work. Still wanting to stop, you think about hypnosis.
Which brings us to why you are likely here right now. You want to know: Can hypnosis really help me quit smoking?
Here’s the full-on truth. When combined with other approaches, like the ones mentioned above, hypnotherapy has been clinically shown to help some people kick the habit for good.
Hypnosis and Smoking Cessation
How does hypnosis work with smoking cessation? Nobody knows for sure. Some people believe it has something to do with brainwaves. Others think it relates to the subconscious mind. And still, others attribute the strength of hypnosis to the power of suggestion.
But at the end of the day, the “how” isn’t really all the important. Instead, it’s all about the what. In other words, what effect with hypnotherapy have on my nicotine addiction?
I’ll share with you what I share with clients. For many people, hypnotherapy as a standalone approach usually isn’t enough. I’m not saying that there aren’t people who haven’t been healed of their nicotine dependence from hypnosis. If you look hard enough, you’ll find folks who have made this claim.
But I am saying that according to the research, it takes a multi-prong approach to overcome this addiction.
You may be wondering what “multi-prong approach” means?
Here’s what I’m talking about:
- Use of the patch or gum
- Addictions counseling to address behavioral patterns
- Online support groups for others who are also quitting
- Apps designed to mark your quitting progress
- Hypnosis to tap into the subconscious mind
Hypnotherapy Video To Stop Smoking
You may be curious about what smoking cessation hypnosis looks like? While each hypnotherapist is different in style, the example below is a good representation of the experience. Bear in mind this is not me conducting a session. Instead, it is a licensed mental health professional who is board certified in clinical hypnotherapy.
Hopefully, the video will help to deepen your understanding of the process.
Will Hypnosis Help Me Quit?
Like any other method to quit smoking, hypnosis doesn’t work for everyone. Researchers have found the success rate to be 2 out of every 3 smokers.
And it’s worth repeating that for those who finally break free of their nicotine addiction, it usually happens in conjunction with the approaches mentioned above.
When you are properly hypnotized, your mental state is altered in a way where you may be susceptible to taking in suggestions that are designed to empower your psyche to help you remain smoke-free.
As stated in various forms of literature, including a pamphlet from the American Psychological Association, hypnosis is a tool that you can learn and is not something that is “done” to you (click here to read this hypnosis page).
So, if you are looking for hypnosis in Chicago to stop smoking or if you are in Evanston, Skokie, Oak Park or any of the city’s suburbs, you now have greater insight into making smart decisions about using hypnotherapy as part of your approach to quitting.
I’ve Read About High Success Rates
When you read extremely high rates published by some providers of hypnosis, many leave out important details regarding what it takes to quit and stay quit.
First, you want to have in place the things that were mentioned earlier: A. Support Systems B. Nicotine Replacement (with your doctor’s permission) and C. Group support that specifically targets nicotine dependence.
Here’s what a lot of folks don’t realize – nicotine is a powerful drug. In fact, nicotine is a qualified type of addiction, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Cost of Hypnosis
One of the main reasons people do not partake in hypnosis to stop smoking is because many insurance companies do not cover this adjunct form of therapy. One thing to consider, however, is the amount of money you are paying for a pack of cigarettes each day versus the cost of counseling that includes hypnosis.
Over the long run, it becomes obvious that wellness-based counseling by far costs less than the daily purchase of cigarettes.
If you live in Chicago or any of the communities in Cook County, you already know that cigarettes cost a fortune. But here’s what you may not know – you are paying among the highest prices in the nation.
And with each new year, those prices seem to go up even more.
So, if you are trying to figure out if paying for hypnotherapy is worth it, balance your considerations with what I just mentioned above.
The good news is that counseling that includes hypnotherapy may be something you can be reimbursed for through your workplace health savings plan.
But for that to happen, your plan may require that you work with a qualified health care professional. I’ll talk more about that next.
What Should I Look for in a Hypnotherapist?
Ideally, you should look for someone in Chicago or the surrounding areas who is a licensed with a mental health background.
- Licensed Psychologist
- Licensed Professional Counselor
- Licensed Social Worker
- Licensed Psychiatrist
- Licensed Medical Doctor
In addition to the above, the person should be a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (CHT) who has special training in addictions. For example, a psychologist who is certified in hypnotherapy and board certified in addictions.
Here is a list of the best 5 hypnotherapists in Chicago that meet the criteria above.
If the person you are contacting doesn’t have these credentials, find someone who does.

What Happens When I Make an Appointment?
In your first session, an assessment will occur to explore what role cigarettes plays in your life. It is during this time that your therapist will determine if hypnotherapy is appropriate.
Your helping professional will then work with you to create a plan to quit. This may include hypnotherapy. If it does, you could even experience your first session that day.
What Happens in the Hypnotherapy Session?
Each hypnotherapist is different, so I can only speak for myself. Typically, you will be seated in a chair or asked to lay back on a comfortable couch.
Then, you will be gently guided into a hypnotic state. As you go deeper into this trance, suggestions will be given to you that are specifically designed to help you stop smoking.
Some hypnotherapists use audio equipment as part of the process, like in the video above. Others don’t. Much depends what you are most you are most comfortable with and your specific needs.
What To Do Before Making an Appointment
Before picking up the phone to make an appointment, here are some things to consider:
- Ask yourself if you are truly ready to quit.
- If the answer is yes, write down all of the reasons you want to quit.
- Ask your doctor about nicotine replacement therapy (patch/gum).
- Sign up for an online support group, like QuitNet
- Contact a licensed health care provider who is certified in hypnotherapy and trained in addictions.
Hypnosis, Quitting Smoking and You
As mentioned previously, hypnosis is one of the most successful ways to quit smoking when combined with other smoking cessation approaches.
Some people fear that the hypnotist will take control of their minds. This is likely the result of inaccurate representations of hypnosis they have seen on television or in movies.
While those depictions may make for great entertainment, that’s not clinical hypnotherapy really works (see the video atop this page).
If you are struggling to quit smoking, it is likely because you have developed an addiction that involves three key areas:
- Psychological (behaviors linked with smoking)
- Physiological (fluctuating nicotine levels in body)
- Emotional (anxiety, nervousness, sleeplessness)
With the help of hypnotherapy, you may be able to address each of these areas.
If you are looking for a therapist trained in hypnosis in Chicago to help you stop smoking, please feel free contact me at 773.528.1777 or by sending a confidential note through this encrypted online form.
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