Online Zen Meditation Room
One of the gifts of the mindfulness movement is its unique ability to provide a safe, natural and clinically proven method for reducing stress and anxiety in our lives. Because the therapists at 2nd Story Counseling believe in the power of mindfulness in combination with positive psychology and other strength based approaches, we would like to offer you as a visitor to our site the chance to partake in our Zen Meditation Room Online.
To our knowledge, we are one of the first organizations in the city of Chicago to offer an online meditation room – and we are thrilled to present all that follows here.
What is Zen? What does Zen mean?
The word “Zen” is the way Japanese pronounce the Chinese character “Chan,” which is the basic Chinese translation from the Indian Sanskrit term “dhyana,” which means meditation. Perhaps you have heard of this term before but are unsure of what it means. What follows is a basic overview. It is important that you know that Zen, similar to Tao, cannot 100% be explained in words. Zen is a persona experience and in many ways is a state of being.
Here are some Zen highlights:
- Zen is a mindset or state of mind
- Zen means comes from within the self
- Zen means living in the present moment
- Zen is focused on our interaction with the here and now
- Zen means being free of “noise” and distractions
- Zen means being in tune with the universe
- Zen means experiencing the moment fully
- Zen speaks to a truth that is not rationally explained
- Zen is the alpha and the omega – with no beginning or end
- Zen uses all five senses to center in the moment
- Zen is a conduit for inner peace
- Zen provides a pathway to deeper self-insight
- Zen is empowerment while acknowledging powerlessness
- Zen is a journey through the mind, devoid of time and space
- Zen is a state of mind and a state of being
- Zen is an oasis in an external world of chaos

What do you feel upon reflection of this photograph?
Zen Myths
Many people make the mistake of dismissing Zen has a bunch of “feel good” mumbo-jumbo but in truth, Zen is very much tied to mindfulness and by extension, mindfulness therapy. Zen, like mindfulness, is not for everyone. There is a psycho-spiritual element to Zen, which allows for a more enriched life journey. Those who are able to and ready to live in a Zen state of mind experience the benefits of deeper understanding, feelings of wholeness and a lasting, “centered” calm.
We encourage you to bookmark this page and visit the meditation room weekly or daily, depending upon your needs. Partake in the different meditation videos, including guided imagery. We’ve tried to theme different meditations to match potential life challenges you may be going through. Many of the videos include deep breathing exercises.
Relaxation Meditation – Ocean Waves
Are you feeling stressed? Has the world rained down on you in a way that you feel under pressure? Are you hurting because someone you care about and love has created friction in your experience of the here and now? If so, you may want to stop by the beach for a few minutes. Let the natural sounds of the ocean, with gently wash away all of your worries …all of the pain. Open yourself up to healing. Be sure to focus on the imagery presented in this short, 4.5 minute video. Think of this as your mini-break for the day … an oasis of peace and tranquility.
Come to the Ocean
Relaxation Guided Imagery – Floating on a Cloud
Do you need an escape – a place to elevate your mind, body and spirit to a place that is far from this place and time? Why not trying floating on a cloud. This 10 minute guided imagery journey will transport you to a magical place that you can let your worries float away … far, far away from your mind. Rise above your anxiety and focus on the visual imagery for a moment appearing in the video. Then, when you are ready, just focus on the narrative offered. Encompass the warmth of the moment and move towards the light of the sun on a cloud – a safe, protective cloud that offers colors of deep blues and soft whites.
Float on a Cloud
Letting Go of Anger – Progressive Relaxation
Are you holding anger. Are you upset or mad about something that happened to you? Are you feeling frustrated with pent up energy that you feel is not healthy for your mind, body and spirit? This 15 minute video provides a powerful conduit to progressive relaxation, a technique that is used to create total calmness within your physical and mental being. Get in touch with your anger and confront it – then release it to the universe. Detect where the anger is residing in your body, which is causing you so much tension. Learn to let it go – and create space for new, more powerful and positive energy. Heal within your light and open yourself of to the healing powers of self-love.
Releasing the Anger
How to Meditate for Beginners
Are you new to meditation and mindfulness? Are you looking for a quick, simple way to learn about mindfulness and meditation? This short, 6 minute video provides an excellent moment of learning about the meditation process. Learn about how to turn off the noise in our mind (“chatter”) that prevents us from being in the here and now. Discover how to transcend your thoughts through meditation and be part of the moment by releasing consciousness. Meditation allows us to become empowered and release stress. Observe your thoughts while being detached from the density of yourself. Explore how your breathing transforms as you move through different states of being in meditation. Open yourself to cosmic energy.
Learn to Meditate
How to Reach Your Life Animal Guide
According to many Native Indians, each of us has an animal guide. These are also referred to as “Life Animals” and “Spirit Animals”. Animal guides are presented to us at various points in our lives to teach us necessary skills. For example, if one of your animal guides is a turtle, it may present itself to you to impart lessons on patience and longevity. We are all given a predominant spirit animal to guide us through life however, we have many different animal guides that are in touch with us during our lifespan. Do you know your animal guide? Would you like to converse with him or her on the spiritual realm? This twelve-minute video provides a conduit for communication. Enjoy!
Animal Guide Meditation
Short Piano Meditation
There is just something soothing about piano music. Sometimes, the best meditations come to us in the form of simple things – like soft, gentle music playing against the backdrop of moving imagery. Let yourself escape some of the pressures of the day by watching this very short video of a new day starting in an urban setting. Take note of the rhythm and and flow of all that is happening. The vid was created by 2SC with the human spirit in mind and celebrates the beauty of movement.